
Yurt Maintenance


As much as the content of the maintenance tips are proven to be relevant and work well for our yurts, JustYurt ltd cannot guarantee the correctness or completeness of the published information. Therefore, JustYurt ltd will not accept any liability for claims in regards with the yurt maintenance.

Proper maintenance is essential to protect and extend the lifespan of your yurt. Here are some key steps you can take:

  1. Apply Weather-Resistant Treatments
    • Wooden Parts: Use epoxy wood sealing and weather protection products. These treatments should be applied at least once a year to safeguard the wood from moisture and weather damage.
    • Fabric Parts: Use Ultramar treatments or Fabsil products to protect the fabric from the elements. Annual application is recommended.
  2. Regular Heating and Cover Management
    • Heating: Regularly heat the yurt when in use to prevent moisture buildup and maintain a comfortable interior environment.
    • Cover Management: Use door and crown covers efficiently. Close the covers during rain, snow, or windy conditions, and open them on hot and sunny days to allow ventilation.
  3. Proper Storage
    • If the yurt is not in use, store it in a dry place. Ensure the storage area is free of holes or breakages to protect the yurt from water leakage and small animals and insects.
  4. Air Condensation Management
    • On sunny and dry days, lift up the skirt of the yurt and tuck it into the bottom straps. This helps to air out the lower part of the yurt and prevent moisture buildup.
    • Regular heating.
    • Open door & windows as much as possible – in a sunny/dry day
  5. Extra Roof Protection
    • Use an additional protective cover over the roof, especially if the yurt will be set up for more than three months or during the rainy season. Recommended products include the Pro Clima Solitex Roof Membrane or an extra layer of Polytex.
  6. Regular Inspection and Cleaning
    • Regularly check the yurt for bird droppings, leaves, branches, rain streaks, and green algae deposits. Clean any debris or growth as soon as you notice it.
    • For canvas cleaning, use Enzymas, a 100% organic liquid cleanser effective against atmospheric pollution, algae, and grease. It is safe for animals and plants and is 100% biodegradable.
  7. Fire Protection
    • For added safety, apply a fire protection product to the inner cover of the yurt.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure your yurt remains in excellent condition and provides a comfortable and safe living space for years to come.